The given event will gather Armenians from all around the world
А peaceful and unique junkyard, situated in Switzerland and holding over 500 classic machines, hailing from the 1930s through the 1960s, was abolished. Blanched and strictly governed Switzerland, where the vehicles coalesced into a single nature, considered it inappropriate to have a thousand decaying machines in the forest.
This unique museum was located in the forest of Kaufdorf, nearby Bern in Switzerland. Some vehicles were 50 years old. The latest ones were brought here yet in 1975.
The judicial proceedings took several years. As a result, the junkyard owner lost the action, as the law prohibits the storage of old vehicles in the forest. The owner had to make an auction exhibiting 795 machines. 537 of them did not manage to find their owners, though more than 3.000 people were present. At the end, the junkyard owner gained 400.000 euros.
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