The given event will gather Armenians from all around the world
Baby bust in the West leads to the increase of elderly people number in the society, and the automakers have to satisfy their needs. Research by Ford found that every fourth driver in Europe’s population expected to be 65-years or older by 2025, and every third – by 2050.
The main issue is that drivers of mostly that age are at risk of heart attacks. And Ford Motor Company’s advanced research engineers have already developed a prototype vehicle seat that can monitor a driver’s heart activity. The prototype Ford seat employs technology that monitors the heart’s electrical impulses and detects signs of irregularity that can provide not only an early warning that a driver should seek medical advice, as he might be impacted by a heart attack, but also the prevention of accidents and fatalities.
The device has already proved its efficiency. In tests, the Ford heart monitoring seat has recorded accurate readings during 98% of driving time for 95% of drivers.
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