The given event will gather Armenians from all around the world
1. 56% of people wash their cars once in a month, while 16% never wash them.
2. On average each driver spends 2 weeks of his life while stopping on the red light.
3. The highest quantity of Rolls-Royce per head is in Hong Kong.
4. Ferrari manufactures 14 vehicles per day on average.
5. After the car crash the air bags are triggered in 40 milliseconds.
6. One pays 8 times more for per liter of coffee than for per liter of petrol.
7. It would take more than 150 years to get to the sun by car.
8. In 1923 more than 173 automobile inventions were ascribed to women, mainly: windshield wipers, starter motor and carburetor.
9. It is forbidden to run red cars in Shanghai.
10. The most flooded roads of Europe are in Luxemburg where 570 vehicles are registered per 1000 people.
11. The widest road all over the world is the Monumental Axis in Brazil the width of which is 250m where 160 cars can be driven side by side.
12. In 1924 Ford cars cost 265 USD.
13. 1 car is the share of each USA citizen.
14. On December 15, 2010 19 people managed to be accommodated in Ford vehicle.
15. The most expensive ever fine at 1 million USD for speeding was written out in Switzerland.
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